Friday, July 6, 2012

something work-related ^__^

During my idle hours at the training, I tried to be "productive" by writing.  Not that it makes sense or anything, just something to keep my mind working.  I do not want to turn into those "zombies" that have had their brains sucked out by the industry. *peace*

This is still a work in progress.  Who knows, maybe I can write something worth reading these coming weeks.  Consider this one a very rough draft. ^_^

I will try to attach a pic of a page or two in my planner where I scribbled this down.

Here goes...
We were given the choice when we first started:
to accept the offer or opt for another.
We chose to mark our names on the paper,
and from there we became part of something bigger.
The orientations and the many sessions
have reiterated to us the working notion;
that our career and our future is ours to mold;
that it is up to us on how it will unfold.

We have always been provided opportunities to grow,
to develop our skills and better what we know.
Both skills and talents, in here, are honed
to create high performers to rival the world's.
Trainings are provided for the knowledge we need.
Learnings are made available with just a click.
Various communities and clubs have been established
to foster our different interests and hobbies.

If we think that there is something else more suited for us,
that we are prepared to take on more tasks,
or that we think that we've learned all that we can,
we could opt to be transferred or advance in the game.
To allow the best people in the industry to grow,
we are provided with the tools of the trade.
We are given the opportunity to navigate our own course.
The rest is up to us and the choices that we'll make.

Watcha think? :P

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